First Neighborhood Bank
We want to be your bank!

First Neighborhood Bank is committed to helping and giving back to the communities in which we live and work.
Come as neighbors, stay like family
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Notice of Change in Bank Hours
We have analyzed customer traffic in our offices, and it is evident that our customers’ banking habits are changing. The utilization of electronic, online and mobile products are steadily increasing, and the need for customers to conduct transactions in a physical bank building are decreasing.
In light of decreasing lobby and drive up traffic, we will be modifying branch hours to better allocate resources enhancing your service experience.
Please visit our office location page for specific details of each office.
We take great pleasure in announcing the opening of our new branch at Ripley, WV in order to cater to the increasing demands of our customers. We promise to maintain the same quality of service and deliver everything that our patrons need.
This new venture has been made possible by your immense support and continued interest in our business. We wish to be at the receiving end of the same even in the future.